Playing It By Ear

The challenge of trying to “think like a fish” by anticipating exactly where, when, and what those fish will bite is a riddle that occupies an unreasonable amount of cerebral tissue in most angler’s brains. Personally, I spend an embarrassing amount of time thinking about this very subject, and I suspect I’m not alone.  While this puzzle may haunt anglers from all corners of the globe, it’s this unpredictability that also draws so many people to fishing, and it’s one of the many reasons we are so passionate about the sport.

With that in mind, making plans for fishing trips that are scheduled months, weeks, or even days in advance becomes a bit of a conundrum. On one hand, visiting anglers want to know the plan for their trip as quickly as possible. On the other hand, the best plan of attack is to wait and see before deciding when and where to fish. Things like water conditions, weather, run timing, regulations, and recent fishing trends are all factors that are unknown at the time of the booking, but factors that should play a massive role in your fishing strategy.

So, when you book in January for a trip that’s set to take place the next summer of fall, we don’t send the details to you right away. I fully realize this is a bit of an inconvenience, but I assure you that it’s something we put a lot of thought into, and the small inconvenience is more than compensated for by the advantages gained from playing it by ear.

By waiting until a day or two beforehand, we’re able to take all important factors into account and plan your trip so that you have the best chance of success!

That’s the Fishology way, and I feel strongly that it’s one of the keys that sets us apart from others.





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